FORMAT: Each event will qualify the quickest 16 or 24 cars with three qualifying sessions scheduled at each event. Sessions may be canceled if necessary due to weather or unforeseen circumstances. Upon the completion of qualifying, the #1-#8 qualified cars cars will compete in the 'A' field, #9-#16 qualifiers will compete in the 'B' field and #17-#24 qualifiers compete in the ‘C’ Field. Those pairings will be set on a sportsman ladder for competition (#1 vs #5, #2 vs #6, etc). This competition will be heads up with a .400 pro tree and run to the 1/8th mile.
A mandatory drivers meeting will be held prior to the first session of qualifying where all entry tech cards must be completely filled out, signed and turned in. ALL drivers must attend. Crew chiefs / tow vehicle drivers are also encouraged to attend.
B + C FIELD INDEX SYSTEM: B + C Field Index System: This 'floating' index number will be established as follows: The index number will be set based on the top qualifying elapsed time of each field, after alternates are inserted if necessary for broken qualifiers. The index will be a tenth and a half below that number. For example, after the final qualifying session and alternates are in place if needed, if the 'B' field top qualifier's elapsed time is 4.37, the 'B' field index for eliminations will be a 4.22 for eliminations. Another example, the 'B' field top qualifier's elapsed time is 4.14, the index for 'B' field eliminations will be 3.99.
Minimum Index Procedure: The minimum index for ‘B’ field is 4.20. The minimum index for the ‘C’ field will be 4.40.
ALL final rounds are heads up!
FIRST OR WORST: First or Worst will apply in situations where both cars are involved in a foul. If a racer red lights, the race is over and the opposing car automatically wins, regardless of elapsed time, unless the opposing racer crosses the centerline or makes contact with the guardwall.
DRIVER CAN ONLY DRIVE 1 CAR IN ELIMINATIONS / DRIVING ALTERNATE CARS: A single driver can only drive one car in competition at the same event. A driver is not allowed to utilize two different cars at an event.
HIGHLY ENCOURAGED: Funny Car Chaos is an entertainment venue poised to showcase all the greatness that is, Funny Cars! We highly encourage the safe and responsible practice of long smoky burnouts, dry hops, staging duels, back up girl demonstrations, qualifying round call out 'grudge' races, interactions with the crowd, etc. Participants assume the risk involved in activities such as dry hops and agree to inform all team and starting line crew of any such exhibition.
CALL OUTS / MATCH RACES: If any racers want to call each other out we will make sure your call out is paired and run! These call outs can occur during any qualifying session or in eliminations if time permits.
PARTICIPATION: All participants are responsible for learning, understanding and abiding by the regulations put in place by both Funny Car Chaos and the host facility. This includes any and all regulations assumed by the host track sanctioning body. Entry fees must be paid prior to the start of the event to FC Chaos staff.
COMPETITION: All competitors and crew members must obey all signals and commands from the race director. A start command will be given for each competitor. Completion of the starting procedure, burnout and staging must be done in a timely manner in courtesy of the opposing car. If these procedures are not done in a timely manner, the race director has the authority to shut-off or hold the delaying entry as to not further delay the opposing car. Any issue presented by an unlikely starting malfunction will be discussed by the race director and staging staff, who's decision will be final. Any question of a possible infraction during a run, such as crossing the centerline, etc, will be addressed by the race director and track staff and their decision will be final. In the unlikely event of a malfunction that may require a re-run, the decision of the race director will be final. In the unlikely event of a timing malfunction down track, possibly due to an anomaly of the racecar, resulting in a questionable or non-legitimate elapsed time, speed or win light, the race director may discount that run for the purposes of qualifying position, elimination advancement, lane choice, etc, at his discretion.
To constitute an official qualifying time and officially earn a position in the qualifying order, a car must fire and attempt a burnout under its own power. If a car is unable to take the green light and cross the finish line under its own power after the burnout, it will be given a “no-time” and placed at the bottom of the qualifying order. If there are multiple drivers with “no-time” qualified in the fields, their position will be based on their current points standings and the driver with the most points will take the higher ladder position.
During a qualifying session, if a car has problems prior to breaking the stage beam on their initial run, that car can be pushed back and make another attempt at the end of that session within the allotted time frame of that session. No ‘extra’ time will be allotted once the session is set to expire.
A car may not be manually pushed into the stage beams by a crew member. A team member may at no time physically touch the car at any time once the car has moved into the pre-stage position.
Lane choice will be determined by the higher qualified car in first round. Lane choice for semi-finals and finals will be determined by previous round elapsed time.
ANY run resulting in any impact with timing equipment from the stage beams to the finish line marker will be disqualified and the resulting time, qualifying position or round win will be disqualified. Any impact with the guardrail, wall or any barriers between stage beam and starting line tree, between the stage beam and the finish line marker, will also be disqualified at all times during the event. Impact with the wall or crossing the centerline past the finish line is permitted. Media aids such as video or photographs may be used by the race director to make the appropriate call.
ENGINE, BODY STYLE, FUEL, WEIGHT, ETC: Any engine combination may be used in competition. Any body style may be used in competition. The body must be of 'flip top' style raising from the front and secured to the back of the chassis and must also 'encompass the front wheels' (no open wheel Fiat style bodies permitted and are considered 'altereds'). Body must have functional windshield. Any transmission, timing or clutch application aid, traction control device or computer aided performance controlling device is permitted. Any fuel is permitted including nitrous assistance. Any vehicle weight is permitted.
BURNOUTS: All pre-race burnouts are restricted to the designated areas on the race track. A car is permitted to be safely pushed back in the case of reverser issues by crew or track staff. If this process causes a delay jeopardizing the successful run of the opponent, the race director or starter may shut-off the troubled car at any time to proceed with the run. During qualifying, if a car is shut-off due to delay, the team has the option to push back and run last in the same qualifying session if they desire. Crew members may at no time stand in front of the car during the process of a burnout unless they are outside the trackside barriers. If a car crosses the centerline on a burnout and does not pose a safety issue in doing so, and does not interfere with the timing system in any way, it may proceed with its run. If a timing marker is hit at any time on the burnout both cars will be shutoff and given the opportunity to move to the back of the current session to cool down, re-fuel and make their run.
STAGING: No car may be physically contacted by any person after in the pre-stage position. Infractions may be cause for disqualification. Cars must take the pre-stage and stage position under their own power. Courtesy staging is recommended but not mandatory. Double bulbing and deep staging is permitted.
Any driver leaving the starting line before the start system is activated, except on a single run during eliminations, will have their run disqualified. If both cars leave prior to the start of the timing process, the car that left first will be declared the loser in eliminations. The race director may use any media available to review the run if a visual confirmation is not determined.
TECHNICAL INSPECTION, SAFETY, LICENSING: All participants may be teched at any time during the event without notice by host track staff. All participants must completely and accurately fill out the technical inspection card supplied by the host track. Compliance with any requirement made by Funny Car Chaos or host facility staff must be met to compete in the event at hand. If at any time the race director finds any technical aspect of the race car to be unsafe or non-compliant, they may be disqualified at any time.
All participants must have required safety equipment (for both car and driver) based on performance outlined by track sanctioning body. All cars must utilize both an engine diaper and belly pan. All blown applications must have 20lb fire system with positive charge indication and nozzle outlets must be mounted and directed in a manner to suppress both the engine compartment and driver’s compartment. All drivers must have appropriate safety gear as outlined by the track sanctioning body based on the performance of their car and outlined below. Any nitro burning or screw blown application must have a minimum five point three-inch driver restraint system meeting SFI Spec 16.1or 16.5. Restraint system must be updated at two-year intervals from date of manufacture. All cars must have positive on/off switch, capable of de-energizing the entire ignition system, in good working order and located within easy reach of the driver. Dual parachutes mandatory on vehicles running 4.50 and quicker or over 190 mph. Parachute pack and unpacked shroud lines must be protected with fire-resistant material from mounting point to the pack. A minimum of two rear wheel (one caliper per wheel) hydraulic brakes mandatory. If removable steering wheel is used, commercially available quick-disconnect steering wheel adapter meeting SFI Spec 42.1 is mandatory.
All cars must have current NHRA or IHRA chassis certification equal to the performance level of the car.
All clothing containing metal or plastic prohibited. Undergarments that are worn in addition to those mandated that are made of flammable materials (e.g. nylon, rayon, polyester, spandex, etc.) are prohibited. All metallic jewelry prohibited.
A one-piece driver’s suit will be mandatory meeting SFI Spec 3.2A/20, gloves 3.3/20, boots 3.3/20, and head sock mandatory. Glove under-liners made of flame retardant material and foot socks mandatory.
Fire retardant body undercoating required. Coating meeting SFI spec 54.1 recommended. Product can be purchased at “search: Temprotex Intumescing Fire Protective Coating” or part number “F1ER”.
All drivers must wear full faced helmet meeting Snell SA2010, SAH2015, or SFI 31.1 certification.
All drivers must have a valid and appropriate competition driver’s license and competition number from an official sanctioning body. NHRA licenses suggested and accepted at all drag strips.
We suggest you contact NHRA, IHRA or WDRA to determine which exact license you need for your specific application. FCC does not have any agreement with any sanctioning body.
Host track has the right to refuse any non-licensed driver access to the starting line.
The track staff are responsible for all tech inspections.
All tow vehicles must have fire extinguisher on board.
All drivers who are in a safe physical and mental state after exiting their cars at the top end are encouraged to stay in their fire protective gear for assistance to the next pair of cars in case of a fire. This is not mandatory, but recommended as an additional safety measure for each other.
MINORS IN RESTRICTED AREAS: No person under the age of 16 is permitted in restricted areas or on the track at any time. Absolutely no one under the age of 16 is permitted to back up a racecar.
QUALIFYING: Qualifying session times will be announced prior to the event, but may be adjusted due to weather or other circumstances at any time. Three qualifying sessions are planned at each race.
LADDERS: Once qualifying is completed and pairings have been established, pairings will not be changed unless otherwise directed by an FC Chaos official. If any racer notes a mistake made in the ladder it must be brought to the attention of the race director in a timely manner. IF time permits, adjustments can be made at the discretion of the race director. Sportsman ladders will be used in A-B-C field eliminations.
SINGLE RUNS: In situations where a driver is making a single run, he or she is considered the winner once the car stages and the timing system activates. If a competitor crosses the centerline on a single, the elapsed time is voided for lane choice determination.
ALTERNATES: If any entry breaks during qualifying, a team representative MUST notify FC Chaos staff in the staging lanes or tower as soon as possible. After the final qualifying session, a short amount of time will be allotted before elimination pairings will be set. Any broken car will be eliminated from the ladder, and an alternate will be inserted from the first available non-qualifying position until all positions (24 spots total) are filled. For example, if the #3 qualifier breaks, the #25 qualifier will take his position on the ladder in the A Field. The broken car will keep the points earned to the point of breakage. Alternates will have ability to gain full points. First round payout will be split between the broke car and the alternate. If the alternate advances beyond first round, those monies earned will remain with the alternate. Once the ladder has been confirmed by race director, no further changes will be made. CHAMPIONSHIP POINTS: All points are awarded to the DRIVER only and cannot be transferred under any circumstances.
Format: Event Attendance + 10 pts (must purchase FC tech card) Completed Qualifying Round + 5 pts Final Qualifying Order - #1 = 8 pts, #8 = 1 pt (A & B) Elimination Round Loss +5 pts Elimination Round Win + 10 pts
A drop race will be implemented before final points tabulation at the end of the year to determine the final Championship standings. This drop race will automatically drop the lowest points total for each driver.
To constitute an official qualifying attempt and earn qualifying session points, the car must fire and complete a burnout. If a burnout is completed, but the car is unable to take the green light under power, they will still collect their qualifying session points.
To constitute an official elimination round attempt and earn elimination round points, the car must fire and complete a burnout. If a burnout is completed, but the car is unable to take the green light under power, they will still collect their elimination round loss points.
In the case of an alternate being inserted into the final qualifying order, the driver eliminated from the ladder will retain all points earned prior to the beginning of eliminations. All alternates assume a position in the ladder and ability to earn full points during eliminations.
Qualifying Points Value Equalization Procedure: The following procedures are put in place to make each event as close to equal points earning value as possible and to not penalize the racers for circumstances out of our control by making any event attended worth less points. In the case that a qualifying round is canceled for any reason, the following session will be worth double points. In the case that the first two sessions on Friday are canceled, the single session remaining on Saturday will be worth 15 points. In the case that the final qualifier is canceled, the previous session will be worth 10 points.
Tie-break: In the event of a tie at the completion of the Championship season, the following procedure will be used to determine a winner: 1. Most events attended, 2. Most events won, 3. Most event round wins, 4. Best points position finish from previous season
EVENT PAYOUT DETAILS & POLICY: The following payout formula will be used at all events in the 2025 season: A Field: $5,000 Win, $2,250 R/U, $1,750 Semis, $1,250 Rd 1 B Field: $2,500 Win, $1,750 R/U, $1,300 Semis, $1,000 Rd 1 C Field: $1,500 Win, $1,200 R/U, $900 Semis, $700 Rd 1 Totaling: $33,000+ Per Event
Entry Fee: $150 per car includes car, driver and admission for (5) crew and (1) RV pass for the event
Any bonus program payout or contingency payout promised by any sponsor is not the responsibility of Funny Car Chaos. FCC will not under any circumstances, be responsible for any sponsors non-payment or bad check. In the event of an event not running to completion, the remaining payout positions and funds will be appropriately distributed and awarded at the discretion of the race director and track management. All participants must supply proper tax information and understand a 10-99 will be issued upon completion of the racing season for that calendar year which will also include bonus and championship funds.
ASSUMPTION OF RISK: All participants agree that by entering the event, the participant acknowledges the event facility is safe and suitable for racing. The participant assumes voluntarily the risk of bodily injury or death or loss or damage of property. The participant assumes these risks for its entire team and thus waives such losses or claims for such losses against Funny Car Chaos, any Funny Car Chaos staff, the host facility or any host facility staff. This also includes waiving any claims upon any affiliated Funny Car Chaos or host track sponsors or fellow event competitors. All participants discharge such persons outlined above from any responsibility of such losses and agrees not to sue such persons for such losses.
For purposes of clarification, the term "participant" shall include any person directly or indirectly associated with any vehicle which has been permitted to enter the event site, including but not limited to owners, drivers, crew members, guests of participants, spectators or commercial vendors.
RAIN OUT POLICY: Every effort will be made to complete the event as scheduled. However, if an event cannot be started or completed due to inclement weather or unexpected conditions it will be postponed, rescheduled or canceled at the discretion of the race director and host track management. All factors of all parties concerned will be taken into consideration prior to any decision. No refunds will be issued when an event is rescheduled, postponed or considered complete by the race director and track management. Decisions regarding postponement, rescheduling or cancelation made by the race director and track management will be final.
COMPLIANCE OF RULES: Each participant expressly agrees that by entering a FCC event, the participant will be bound by all of the decisions, rules and regulations of both the FCC series and host track and host track's sanctioning body. The participant agrees to abide fully by the decisions made by the FCC race director or track management at all times. The participant also agrees that all decisions made before, during or after an event are final and may not be appealed or made part of, or the basis of litigation, and agrees to release and waive from liability and not bring any action against any FCC staff, host track staff, their designees, any affiliated sponsors, or any affiliated official for the loss, damage or injury caused in result of any incident on or off track on the facility property. This may or may not be caused by any electrical or mechanical failure of equipment caused by negligence or otherwise.
The race director, FCC or host track manager may change, modify, or adjust any procedures, regulations, restrictions or formats at any time. All participants agree to indemnify and hold Funny Car Chaos staff, host track staff and any thus affiliated entity harmless for any costs or loss incurred as a result of the failure of the participant to comply with the rules, regulations and procedures provided for herein.
In the event a particular item is not specifically addressed by FCC staff or host track staff, it will generally be considered non-allowable, unless otherwise noted by a FCC or track official. In some instances, a 'one race waiver' for a specific rule infraction may be given to a participant by the race director, if in his judgment, the infraction does not create a competitive advantage or post a safety threat.
Any vehicle and/or driver that runs quicker or faster than the required or mandatory safety equipment (including protective clothing) for his elapsed time or speed, at any time during the event, may be disqualified from further runs. This decision will be made at any time by the race director. SFI specification numbers and certifications will be monitored. It is highly recommended that all SFI mandated equipment be monitored and kept current under recertification guidelines.
FCC and the host track reserve the right to prohibit or deny any participation at any event at any time, to anyone, in any capacity, for any reason.
TOW VEHICLES / PIT SAFETY: Any misuse, reckless driving, speeding or unacceptable behavior in the pit area or anywhere on the racetrack facility, by anyone operating at 2,3 or 4 wheel vehicle is strictly prohibited and are grounds for disqualification and may lead to ejection of the owner or operator from the facility by FCC staff or host track management at their discretion. Competitors will be held responsible and may be disqualified if anyone on their team mis-uses any support vehicle or does not conduct themselves in a professional manner at any time. A fire extinguisher with positive charge indication is mandatory in all vehicles towing the racecar.